Real beauty means really shareable content

Screenshot, thumbnail Dove Real Beauty sketch artist

By now, you’ve most likely all seen the Dove Real Beauty Sketch Artist video. The lovely three-minute gem filled up my entire news feed today and was shared by dozens of my Facebook friends and Twitter followers. If you haven’t seen it yet, look at how Dove translated their Real Beauty campaign into a heartfelt, … Continue reading

Charmin explores the overshare: Too personal a brand to Tweet?

A few days ago, Beatabeat wrote about Charmin’s Twitter presence. To describe the Tweets from the toilet paper company as “overshares” may be an understatement. The TMI tweets include many variations of common bathroom stories: While BetaBeat went on to find out who was responsible for this overshare Twitter presence and hashtag #tweetfromtheseat, my first … Continue reading

Learning to share on Twitter and other social media platforms

In an effort to explore social media marketing, management etc. I’ve turned my attention to Twitter. Arguably one of the most useful and fascinating tools for businesses, I have to admit, I am not a great tweeter. So it’s time for some introspection, to learn why I’m not a great Tweeter and explore how I can better … Continue reading

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